Para presentar una queja en español, llamar al: 888-CALL-FCC (888-225-5322)
By filing a consumer complaint and telling your story, you contribute to federal enforcement and consumer protection efforts on a national scale and help us identify trends and track the issues that matter most.
File an Unwanted Call Complaint What Happens After I File My Complaint?If your complaint is about a telecom billing or service issue, we will serve your complaint on your provider. Your provider has 30 days to send you a response to your complaint. We encourage you to contact your provider to resolve your issue prior to filing a complaint.
When you have issues concerning a provider or policy, let us know about it. By submitting your story you are NOT filing a consumer complaint. Your story won't be forwarded to your provider and you will not hear back from your provider or the FCC. We will share your story internally and use it to inform policy making and potential enforcement activities.
Consumer Help Center
Consumer Complaint Data Center
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