What Part of Speech is “THERE”

The word “there” have multiple functions. In verbal and written English, the word can be used as an adverb, a pronoun, a noun, an interjection, or an adjective.

  1. Adverb

This word is classified as an adverb if it is used to modify a verb in the sentence. For example, in the sentence below:

They went there only to find out that it was postponed.

The word “there” is considered as an adverb because it describes the verb “went.”


a. in or at that place

  • Example:
  • We went on to London and stayed there two weeks.


b. at that point or stage

  • Example:
  • Stop right there before you say something you’ll regret.


  1. Pronoun

Sometimes, the word “there” is categorized under pronouns, if it is used to replace a noun in the sentence. For instance, in the sample sentence below:

Hello there!

The word “there” is considered as a pronoun because it substitutes the name of the person, in this case, You.


a. used as an indefinite substitute for a name

  • Example:
  • Hi there!


  1. Noun

There are also some cases wherein the word “there” is considered as a noun, which refers to a particular point or place. Take for example, the sentence below:

There is no there and no here in pure space.

The word “there” is used as a noun, which refers to a location.


a. that place; that point

  • Example:
  • You take it from there.


  1. Interjection

Other times, the word “there” is categorized as an interjection, when it is used to exclaim or emphasize something. In the sample sentence below:

There, it’s finished!

The word “there” is used for emphasis or to draw attention to a particular thing.


a. used to focus attention on something and express satisfaction or annoyance at it

  • Example:
  • There, I told you my parents wouldn’t mind!


  1. Adjective

In some cases, the word “there” is considered as an adjective when it is used to modify a noun or a pronoun, as seen in the sample sentence below:

She is there to answer any questions you might have.

The word “there” modifies the pronoun “she” and is therefore considered as an adjective.


a. capable of being relied on for support or help

  • Example:
    is always there for her.


b. used for emphasis, especially after a demonstrative pronoun or a noun modified by a demonstrative adjective

  • Example:
  • Those guys there can tell you.


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